
Comment on the recent meetings of representatives of government with commercial banks and businesses.
Akaki Chargeishvili was invited to TV show Business Code, as the expert of Business law, to assess the recent meetings of representatives of government with commercial banks and businesses. According to Mr. Akaki, one of the signs of democratic society is development of institutions in the state. In Georgia the matters related to commercial banks are regulated by the National bank of Georgia, which is accountable to the Parliament of Georgia, whereas with government it may have relations that bear the nature of recommendations, which is a well-known practice in the world. The National Bank of Georgia has a huge autonomy in regard to commercial banks, thus, if there is a problem it has a competence to get involved in the matter. As to businesses, there are number of institutions and platforms where matter related thereto can be discussed. Of course, the door of the government should always be open to businesses; however, this concerns the bodies that have a necessary competence by law. Taking this into account, non-hierarchical involvement of government members in the matters that belong to the competence of other bodies can be damaging to the country and its investment climate and creates questions in the society.
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